Oxford Mosaic web content management platform (Oxford Mosaic)
IT Services has built an exciting Drupal based web platform for the University. We have kept our platform simple to allow people with little or no web content management experience to build beautiful websites that look fantastic on a range of devices including mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
The stage in the service lifecycle at which the service currently resides. Lifecycle = planned, new, live, notice, closed
Lifecycle status
Live |
The level of user activity at this point in the academic year.
Business activity level
Unknown |
The regular period during which routine maintenance could take place.
Maintenance window
Thurs 08:00 - 10:00 |
Would making a change to the service today present too high a risk to the University?
Restricted change period
No |
Getting help
Support contact |
Service Desk
01865 (6)12345
Support hours | 9:00 - 17:00 Mon- Fri* |
Out-of-hours support | Telephone Support is provided 24/7 |
Portfolio Committee | Engagement and Dissemination Portfolio |
Service Sponsor | Tahzib, Shirin |
Service owner |
Castle, Matthew
Service manager |
Mason, Ruth
* except bank holidays and University closure days
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Request training
Training via website
More information
Charges are applicable for: academics, UAS, departments, colleges.
See list above for details of charges.