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IT Services - Service catalogue

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Building Digital Capabilities

The Digital Capabilities Team helps Oxford staff and students build the digital skills they need to thrive in academic, professional, and personal contexts. We provide opportunities for learning and development across the full spectrum of digital capabilities, as well as ways for departments to integrate these into their existing practices. Our service includes:

  • Courses and Resources: In-person and online courses, on-demand materials, and interactive workshops to support skill development.
  • Signposting and Navigation: Acting as a gateway to Oxford's extensive range of courses and resources—not just our own—we help users discover the tools and training they need.
  • Self-Assessment Tools: Framework-aligned tools to help users assess their digital readiness and navigate conversations about personal growth.
  • Private courses: bring your staff team or group of students together, improve their digital skills, and ensure they reach the same level on the same day.

What's this?
The stage in the service lifecycle at which the service currently resides. Lifecycle = planned, new, live, notice, closed
Lifecycle status
What's this?
The level of user activity at this point in the academic year.
Business activity level
What's this?
The regular period during which routine maintenance could take place.
Maintenance window
What's this?
Would making a change to the service today present too high a risk to the University?
Restricted change period

Getting help

Support contact
Digital Capabilities Team
Support hours09:00 - 17:00
Out-of-hours supportNo
Portfolio CommitteeTechnology Portfolio
Service SponsorIreland, John
Service owner
Roissetter, Blaine
Service manager
Procter-Legg, Emma

* except bank holidays and University closure days

How do I...?

I want to...

Raise a support call

Via email

More information


Charges are applicable for: academics, UAS, departments, colleges, others.

All on-demand resources are free. Courses are free for students, and staff pay £13 per hour, with payment options including card and internal transfer.

Related Services

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