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IT Services - Service catalogue

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Media Publishing (Podcasting)

The media publishing service manages the main university media channels: the University Podcasts website ( and Oxford on Apple Podcasts; and offers a hosting, cataloguing and media publishing service for the whole University. This service allows departments to make their content freely available to students, staff and the wider public. The service currently hosts over 8,000 hours of content and publishes over 500 episodes every year. The underlying content management system - MediaPub - provides the ability for departmental staff to maintain their own content.

Oxford on Apple Podcasts - 'University Podcasts' media portal - MediaPub content management

What's this?
The stage in the service lifecycle at which the service currently resides. Lifecycle = planned, new, live, notice, closed
Lifecycle status
What's this?
The level of user activity at this point in the academic year.
Business activity level
What's this?
The regular period during which routine maintenance could take place.
Maintenance window
Tues 07:00 - 09:00
What's this?
Would making a change to the service today present too high a risk to the University?
Restricted change period

Getting help

Support contact
Educational Media
01865 289980
Support hours08:30 - 17:00, Mon - Fri*
Out-of-hours supportNo
Portfolio CommitteeEngagement and Dissemination Portfolio
Service SponsorIreland, John
Service owner
Robinson, Peter
Service manager
Beard, Christopher

* except bank holidays and University closure days

How do I...?

I want to...

Raise a support call

Via email

Request training

See help guide under 'Training Information', or contact via email

Request Access

Via email

More information


Free to Oxford users

The hosting and publishing of suitable educational material is free to departmental staff. The closely aligned Video Production service is available as a chargeable service if needed for recording and editing content such as podcasts, lectures and conferences.